Chronicles of Failure


Learn from the hard-fought lessons of those who have gone before

Because why make mistakes when others have made them for you?

If you work in SaaS, then you’ve seen it before. Product is conceptualized, concept is researched, research leveraged for market sizing & scoping, sales teams are aligned on strategy and targets, marketing produces target-specific collateral, billing codes and CRMs updated, reporting structures solidified, staging and production prepared, product roadmap produced, and customer success teams waiting in the wings for the eventual seamless handoff of happy healthy customers ready to continuously buy and utilize.


As someone who has been in and around various aspects of product and program launches, I can confidently say it never goes like that.From analysis paralysis to cart-before-the-horse planning, there are so many traps we fall into when business and market needs collide with the reality of resources and nuance.So, my former colleague and I are here to do us all a favor and ask the lessons learned questions in true post-mortem fashion to help us all avoid making the same mistakes - or better yet - to repurpose strategies that did work.We will be talking to professionals not only in product management, but in every realm of software involved in launching a product, service, or even a new department.

Have a failure to share?